

I am a High Schooler from India who thrives to learn new things, looks out for self-improvement and loves autonomy. I am interested in polymathy, autodidactism, philosophy and math among many. I love talking to new people, music, reading and writing.


Making YouTube videos to teach math, science and philosophy topics in a fun way, as a part of buildspace's nights&weekends s5. Started Grade 11, trying to study a horrendous amount of stuff (I don't like Chemistry). Working on a few projects: flomo, this website, and clubs. AND I am currently switching to Colemak.

Not doing so great emotionally and socially though; I feel like I suddenly have so many responsibilities. Lol wish me luck for the next couple of months, because things are prolly gonna get worse.

Last Updated: July 11, 2024

This year

My main goals for this year are:

No but, who are you exactly?

I am that guy who tells you random facts about stuff just because they seem so exciting. I am fuelled by curiosity and the idea of helping people. I want to transcend beyond the norms.

Few of my blogs that shows some of my personality:

I can help you for stuff like productivity systems, Obsidian, workflows, books, etc. I can also help you reach out to people that knows things beyond my understanding.

Flexing (i don't do that anymore)

I am a self-taught guitarist, programmer, musician. I know and speak several languages: Assamese (Native), English, Hindi, Sanskrit (a bit); in that order of proficiency. An aspiring researcher; published a paper about environment in my region.

I participated in YUVIKA '23 (Young Scientist Programme) held by ISRO and was a participant in ANVIKA '23 Programme hosted by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. I am eager to attend more programs/camps in the upcoming summer. I will be satisfied with anything that makes me learn new things, skills and makes me a better person.

Okay, you seem cool enough, where can I reach you?

In that order:

Now that you've seen what makes me tick, consider reading my blog.