

I am a junior high-schooler from India who thrives to learn new things, improve everyday and create good stuff. I love autonomy.

I am interested in polymathy + autodidactism, philosophy, math, open-source among many. I love talking to new people, playing music, reading, writing and making stuff in my free time..


Learning fundamentals of AI Safety as "extra reading" for NYAS's Junior Academy 2024 Fall Cohort - "Ethical AI" Challenge, starting 23rd September. And as a consequence, I am learning a little Linear Algebra and some Python as well. So far so good.

The second in priority is prepping for my unit test (starting 21st September), the first in this year, and I think it will be harder than all my previous exams. But that is all based on hearsay, so you can't really be sure. Although I trust my study system (Obsidian + Anki + eff. strats) to help me out on this one.
Worst case scenario: I get to reflect on my mistakes.

Been maintaining a streak of meditating for 40 days straight (as of today), and a writing habit (wrote 6 blogposts and 3 newsletters In August; I'd say I am quite proud).
But not making enough videos for the series, and it is something I have to work on...

well, stay frosty mates!

Last Updated: September 10, 2024

This year

My main goals for this year are:

No but, who are you exactly?

The question of my existence is as absurd as the existence of the afternoon coffee in my mug. But yes, I do have a certain personality, which is hard to describe on paper. I will try my best.

I am that guy who is fueled by curiosity. I often need a "challenge" and hence I always try to learn something new. I like the idea of helping people, even though they can be jerks at times (I am sorta aligned to Stoicism). I want to transcend beyond the norms, and do things that actually matter.

I love my work ethic and my process of creation. I tend to be workaholic sometimes, and love my work (apart from meaningless school stuff).

You can read about my beliefs here, although it is very, very incomplete.

Few of my blogs that display some of my personality:

I also love working on productivity and cognition systems: Obsidian, Spaced Repetition, workflows, AI, etc.
I can also help you reach out to people that knows things beyond my understanding (I have a few friends whom I count on, for their expert guidance).

Flexing (i don't do that anymore)

I am a self-taught guitarist, programmer, musician. I know and speak several languages: Assamese (Native), English, Hindi, Sanskrit (a bit); in that order of proficiency. An aspiring researcher; published a paper about environment in my region.

I participated in YUVIKA '23 (Young Scientist Programme) held by ISRO and was a participant in ANVIKA '23 Programme hosted by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology. I am eager to attend more programs/camps. And the goal here is to learn new things and skills that make me a better person and help me do great things for the world.

Okay, you seem cool enough, where can I reach you?

I am very particular about replying times. People close to me know that I am very hard to reach.

But don't fear! If you like what I am doing, and want to talk about something interesting, drop a DM or an email:

Now that you've seen what makes me tick, consider reading my blog, or subscribe to my newsletter to get free goodies.