Nibir's Brain Dump

yes I write too.

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Here is the list of curated posts that I have published over the span of X Years, Y months, Z days. I've picked these posts because I like them very much, and I think each post reflects an unique aspect of my personality and character.

I've added some excerpts just to ease you into reading more and spiking the viewer count.

Feel free to indulge!

when you have metamorphosised

One of my first reflective essays. I wrote briefly about events in your life that change everything. It's about self-discovery, it's about passion, it's about moving forward and never looking back.

You're 15, 16, 17 or whatever years old, and you're walking that path you've always walked, and suddenly you start discovering yourself. You start defining your individuality. The path which you used to always walk changes and you start walking the untrodden, unharmed path.

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sometimes I feel awfully depressed

When life feels meaningless, then there exists certain things that create meaning. And those things come in all sorts. It is about that feeling, it is about escaping and finding something that numbs the pain.

Sometimes I feel awfully depressed. And as absurd as it sounds, in such moments, I calm my nerves with a lollipop.

Had a bad day at school? No problem. Had a fight with your friend? Nothing to worry about. There's nothing that a lollipop can't do. It has become my sole confidant.

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A review on John William's "Stoner". A great book, lot of things to ponder upon. This blog was my meditation on that book, where I mulled over the seemingly ordinary nature of life and how it can create ripples beyond the thinkable.

This book is about the seemingly ordinary and unimportant life of William Stoner, who may not be the best husband, father, lover or teacher, but just like the rest of us, alive. The story has no villains or heroes, it is rather an intricate analysis of the complexes of the human nature that surrounds us. This is- as the author himself says- an "escape to reality."

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Reflections on a disturbed life

Poem on disconnection, about feeling left about because of burdens that one creates for themselves. It is about feeling burned out from work, from repetition, from the Catch-22 that surrounds us.

I am guilty of a fervent disconnection.
Severed ties to my glowing past
To embrace the lonely present.
I am here, but I am not;

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Donald's (im)mortality.

An analysis of the character Donald from the Prime Video series Invincible. This is where I wrote about Donald's mortality and "humanity" in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Not very sound philosophically, but I still like the question.

We're stuck with a question: what makes you "you"?

Are you still you if your body is replaced by technology but you still have reason and choice? Are you still you if you don't know that you're already dead (as Donald didn't)? Are you still you if you are only 2% Human, but don't know that? And how do we know that we're not Donald in some way?

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Am I actually Free?

One of my fairly recent posts, where I presented a sort of (flawed) cogito ergo sum and discussed if we are really free from physical and psychological point of view.

Once I had an epiphany and then I thought, "I am capable of recognising my deeper self... That, I can BE myself, that I have the choice to know myself."

Probably a long-shot, but I think that because I have a choice to know myself, I am a free being. I don't know what you might call this, but does seem like another cogito ergo sum.

But, am I actually free?

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And that, my friends, is all for today. If you enjoyed today's show, consider subscribing via RSS and checking out the Archive.