
Why do I want to be more focused

and sleep well

#debugging 1 min read

It has been a while since I have not been focused enough. I have been juggling too many projects, working on too many things at once. While that seemed to work for a while, I now have a short attention span and a feeling of FOMO. The worst thing is that it is now affecting my productivity, academics and even my relationships.

I can't seem to have only ONE thing in my attention space, even though ironically, I have been an advocate for the "focus movement" for quite some time. It's really uncomfortable when you notice that you are unable to talk to your loved ones without doing anything else or study without seeing yourself chatting on Discord.

I've been reading Chris Bailey's Hyperfocus, and it is really insightful. It talks about how you work efficiently (and that is by keeping ONE complex task in hand at one time) and how you become more focused in general. Also, I am revisiting this section of one of my essays.

I feel that it's a good time to regain my focus, especially since my classes will be starting soon. And I will follow the book's lessons to work on that.

I don't want to juggle too many projects at this time. I want to be more focused, more streamlined so that I can be more satisfied, go to sleep without a feeling of dread and profligacy and not blame my mother for not reminding me.

I hope that things will get back to track when my school (finally) starts. I do understand that the change will be a bit harsh at first, but I think it will provide me an opportunity to work on my priorities.

P.S. all the paragraphs start with an "I".

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