
My [New] Workout Routine

fat to fit? trying out a proven routine to be my best self.

#fitness 3 min read

Getting into a better shape is one of my main goals this year. And since my exams have ended (for now), I have the time and energy to properly plan and work on my health.

I am a person who exercises everyday, except for a few days when you just can't. I feel bland without it. I mean, I like working out. I feel good when the sweat comes out and my heart rate pumps up.

My objective is to build muscles and lose some fat. And doing unguided, random exercises are not going to be enough. That is why I was not progressing. So I thought that I should finally wipe off the dust from my dumbbells and start committing to a proper and proven routine.


I researched a few hours, and I found out that the best routine is to just start lifting (or any form of exercise). That is the aphorism. What I mean by that is, researching and finding the "best routine" won't help if I don't even work out. Procrastinating won't work either. It's better to just start with a beginner program, and stick with it.

But really, I found some really good guides and programs to help me out with weight training. The reason I chose weight-training over cardio (for fat loss), is for the long term. I want to preserve my gains and be fit for long term. (Check out https://thefitness.wiki; I am not really a fitness-geek.)

I am what you can call, a skinny-fat guy. I am neither over-weight nor under-weight. There is fat, and at the same time there isn't. I need to tweak my nutrition to help me with that, since most of "being fit" has to do with the kitchen. I think I will talk about it in another post.

The Routine

I have figured out (most of) the routine. I am following the Dumbbell Stopgap (yea, it does require dumbbells).

Workout A

Workout B



What to do on Rest Days?

This requires much experimentations, and I think I will keep giving updates on this.
I am planning to do some low-intensity activities like light running, or some Yoga. Doing Tai-Chi is also very interesting, let's see where that goes...

And some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) 1x per week. I haven't decided on what to do exactly. But yes, This does sounds like a nice plan.

I want to emphasise more on the "rest" part of the rest days and avoid overworking. I really need to be more patient and control the urge, I guess.

Edit- Apr 5, 2024:
I have been trying out Tai-Chi for a couple of days, and it's definitely something. It's gentle and feels good. As one of my friend calls it, based.
Thinking of ditching the HIIT plan and doing cardio- running/jogging 2x a week.

Taking things seriously

No really, it's time. It's really time to take health seriously. You and I both. And this is my first step to do so.

I will keep a log where I track my progress. I will jot down the time, reps, sets, etc. It will help me to reflect and be more conscious about my approaches. Plus, it is really important that I am regular with my routine. And considering that "working out regularly" is already a part of my identity, I can expand on that and produce some amazing results (I hope so, even though it is a long-term journey).

I just want to enjoy the process. And all the while, I will keep posting things related to it, the mistakes I did, the progress I made and all the stuff.

Well, happy being-your-best-self!

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