
God is Evil

there's no way to conclude anything.

#rationality #philosophy 2 min read

First of all, we don't know if God exists or not. I don't think there's a way to prove it. (Descarte's way of finding god was in my opinion, buffoonery). But let's say away we found a way to prove that it exists. What changes will it bring? Perhaps people will start to ponder upon another question: "Whose god is this?"

What if it isn't what we thought all along? What if it isn't a supernatural, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being? What if God is not "God"?

And what about the possibility that God is Evil? We haven't considered that yet, have we?
I read about it for the first time in existentialcomics.com, and then I discussed the topic with my friends.
That question intrigues me. What if, really, God is Evil?

That would change everything, or maybe not. There are a few plausible outcomes: people will then stop believing in God, or blame others: "It's YOUR God" unlike if God was good: "It's OUR God". Or something completely different altogether. Perhaps it will change their standards. "Evil" will become the new "good", as jain put it.

It will turn out as a nightmare and existential crisis, if the God, which is evil, really made us. If it did, then did it make us all evil, a part of itself? Is this why violence comes naturally to us?

This is all a big IF though, since we don't really know.

Now, let us suppose we don't know if it exists (which we really don't; i.e, reality), does it really matter if it is evil, or good, or dumb? Maybe to me it doesn't, and to some rationalists, atheists, agnostics, EAs, etc. either.

But, the majority yet suffers. A banal attempt to put "God" in place of "good" and "truth". They can't quite "un-believe" yet. It's their faith, their only solace, how could they deny?

The word "God" is created by man, interpretations are made by man, and confusions are caused by man. Well, bunch of rational creatures, aren't we?

It's something entirely different. We're just substituting. In my opinion, we're not capable enough to truly understand the gist. There's no way to conclude anything.

Edit: fixed petty typos.

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