
Declutter your digital life

Get started with Digital Minimalism

#debugging #technical 2 min read

TL;DR Direct link to this section

A 30-day program/activity/event in which you opt out of "optional technologies" and change your tech-using habits. In these 30-days, you experiment and find other high-quality activities which are far more positive than mindless technology usage.

This is not a Digital Detox, where you come back to use everything. This is supposed to give you a chance to rebuild your digital life from scratch. Rapidly disengage from a highly digital life.

About Direct link to this section

Brought forward by Cal Newport, this event allows you to change your relation with technology. It is divided into three steps:

Plan Direct link to this section

The objective is to effectively eliminate the use of optional technology, so that it doesn't harm the professional or personal life but doesn't take the life out of us.
The optional technology can be anything, ranging from Social media, Media Streaming to video games.

Even if one can't completely eliminate it, one should be specific about it's usage. For example, if you want to continue to watch movie, define a boundary, let's say, "you're allowed to watch movies ONLY with friends". But must be disciplined.

One can also restrict and specify their usage, for example, checking social media only on Saturday evening with a healthy snack and while following only X, Y and Z people who are inspiring. This gives the activity a meaning.

Plan the list of activities and be ruthless.

Tips Direct link to this section

Execute Direct link to this section

The reason people fail to complete the 30-days is because they forget to replace those meaningless activities with meaningful ones. In these 30-days, you stop indulging in low-quality activities and experiment highly to find better ones.

You're very likely to have withdrawal symptoms in the first few weeks, but it will soon go away. This your chance to discard those habits that you picked up unknowingly.

Find high-quality leisure activities (physical activity, playing music, etc) to replace the low quality ones, opt for Conversation-Centric Communication (yes to Phone calls, video calls, IRL Meetings. No to WhatsApp, email, etc.), and many more.

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Rebuild Direct link to this section

After 30-days of minimal tech-usage, slowly add technology to your daily life.
But with a few caveats. To be added to your life, the tech must:

The point is to use new technology mindfully, and use tools to supplement your workflow, not the other way around.

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