
Are you feeling proud of yourself?

only humility can save you

#philosophy #debugging 2 min read

humility, generated by firefly

generated with firefly

"Feeling very proud lately..."

But pride swallows you. It gulps you and spits your bones out. It wants to grab you but you must not let it.

Run away. Run away as soon as you find yourself content and happy with your frugal achievements. They won't help you grow; they will instead kill you.

You will want to indulge in that feeling of ecstacy, you will want to it to stay. But the serotonin it releases is too much for your brain to handle, and so it will explode inside your skull, leaving invisible hemorrhages in your brain and clots in your soul.

Don't be too proud of yourself. Don't be oblivious of the possibility that everything might collapse right this moment. What will you do then?

Will your pride save you?

No, it will not. The thing that can save you is humility. It is the fact that you don't know anything. Your faculties lie to you, you perceive illusions. There's always someone who's a master at something you're not.

There is much to know and much to understand. And pride will not help you in that quest.

To maintain your current position, and progress in life, you have to keep yourself grounded. Familiarise yourself with the ground, the soil, the earth. No matter what laurels you bring, what achievements, awards, accolades you receive, you must always remain grounded. KNOW where you come from and what you truly are: a mere flawed human capable of only a few things.

Remember that you are biased and that you don't have many choices. How could you be proud? How could you feel better than others when it is for a fact that you are not free?

You can only go so far.
But you can go so far.

Only if you remain humble and do your things with composure and integrity. You're alive because you had the choice to survive.. Now survive again. By being who you are supposed to, and doing what matters.

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